Wednesday, August 31, 2016

UTA Drama: A Two Act Play with Monologue

The Role of a Union Buster
A Drama

Starring the illustrious Madam Rebecca Smith, and her inglorious Teamster career.

Act I: The Hero and Villian 

Scene I:  The Honorable Withdrawal Card - In addition to offering her Tax Filings, Madam Smith presents, for your inspection, her Honorable Withdrawal Card from Teamsters Local 631.  Madam Smith’s opening presentation is an attempt to win your trust, after all, she’s Honorable.  But she was escorted out of Local 631, without honor, in 2007.  We call it getting fired. 

Scene 2:  The Evil World of Unions - Powerful Unions (remember earlier in these meetings unions were shrinking and desperate) and their fake Democracy (one member, one vote), are deaf and indifferent to the needs of their members.  Before negotiations, Teamsters take a strike vote, it gives the Union leverage.  But then in negotiations, there is no leverage, it is all horse trading.  
Madam Smith needs to choose a line of lies and stick with it.  Union Officials only have power through the Solidarity of their members.  When every worker in a group stands together there is real power, but it is their power.  
The Teamsters consider the Union to be a Democracy because it IS a Democracy: One Member, One Vote, and we vote on everything.  At Local 222 we are also proud of our transparency.  We have hosted multiple meetings for interested Supervisors and at each meeting we have made available our Finances and our By-Laws.  We have nothing to hide, we do not need to conduct our business behind closed doors.
In the last three organizing campaigns and their contract negotiations, there has only been one conversation on striking, and those members chose this informational picket instead.  A solid show of unity and common cause throughout the work force is a much stronger form of leverage.  It is a leverage that allows negotiators to win better contracts without horse trading.  Leave it to Madam Smith of Nye County Nevada to mistake good faith bargaining for horse trading.  

Act II:  The Feint

Scene 1: Assessments - The Great Hidden Fees Lie! There are no hidden fees.  Local 222 charges members who cannot strike monthly dues of 2.25X hourly rate, plus $1.  $50 Initiation fees are waived for newly organized units.  There are $55 re-initiation fees if your membership lapses.  Local 222 has not levied assessments for arbitration costs, organizing costs, legal costs, or negotiation costs.  

Scene 2: Retirement - The Great Failing Union Pension Lie!! For Madam Smith to talk to potential Utah Teamsters about the Central States Pension fund is beyond the pale.  Madam Smith explains a pension fund for a different region.  If she spoke honestly about the pension fund covering Utah (and Nevada) she would tell you about the Western Conference of Teamsters, and how it is the best funded Union pension in this country.  There is no possible way for any UTA Supervisor to participate in the Central States Pension and Madam Smith knows this.  

Scene 3: Politics - Your Dues Will Go To Politicians!!!  No dues money ever goes to politics in Local 222! We have a political action committee (PAC) that is a VOLUNTARY contribution.  None of your dues money goes to politics, and Madam Smith knows this.

Scene 4: Strike Fund - Your Dues Will Pay For A Strike Fund You Can Never Use!!!!  This is a complete lie.  UTA Supervisors will be assessed 2.25X hourly rate, + $1.  Those who can strike are assessed 2.5X hourly rate, + $1.  That 0.25 hour difference is the strike fund; if you cannot strike, you do not contribute to the fund.  Madam Smith just cannot control herself when there are lies to tell.

The Soliloquy
{Madam Smith, alone on stage, delivers her Most Profound Monologue of Manure}

Thou Art A Supervisor! 
She declares you have the authority to Hire and Fire.  
She declares you would never be considered for her Local.
Reading from the actual By-Laws of Local 222, Madam Smith declares you will be barred from participating in Local 222.

 {The Stage goes dark}

“They don’t even really want you” she whispers. 

The Curtain Falls

What drama!
What presentation!
What a performance!
What a load of crap.

Why don’t you just tell the truth, Madam?
At Local 222, we respect the truth, and it galls us to watch Madam Smith prostitute it out for her personal gain.
Local 222 values every worker’s right to receive Respect and Dignity at their place of work, which is why we fight for you and your right to join a union.

And for 2 1/2 years, UTA has fought you every step of the way.

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